About American visa policy

A famous quotation that, l have hundreds year old pical then I said, '' test it, well, if I doing it test to everyone then can not save hundreds year. understand,.

  The same quotations are applying on American visa policy. Indians are not liking chandigarh bangluru Mumbai they are only liking california silicon Valley. They have only like foreign and wants to settle in abroad. But now a days every American and western countries doing hard rules applies in own visa policies.

America first policy and economics nationalism trump had gotten the president chair. Americans citizens elected him because trump can save his job and respect.

China trade war, peris climate change agreement dismissed. This kind of dission showing America first policy of trump. Now a days every country following his nation first policy like quite to EU Britain this is also part of economic nationalism.. Recently 6060 traind and educated people not got to Britain visa permission . Then 30 thousands indian citizens a online petition represents in Britain parliament.

India, are not aware to take his citizens, here every country can get easily visa in comparison to other countries. India is looking itself in future as a global power. Which is almost definite which should develop jobs medical services, technology, and expansion to other sectors its required. In this operations talented and educated citizens can help.

   I am not saying don't go to abroad but if which country do not want to come in our country then why go. Without permission to this country it is not only illegal its also dangerous.


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